风景秀美大乳山 The Beautiful Scenery of Darushan

2022-08-30 08:54:01 来源: 大众网 作者:


  Darushan Mountain is located in the west of Haiyangsuo Town , Rushan City, Weihai City, Shandong Province, with an altitude of 216.6 meters. Seen from the air,the mountain ,whose main peak is conical, looks round and full, and the peak is tall and protruding like a breast, so it is called Darushan Mountain. Rushan City and Rushankou are named for this mountain.


  It has mountains, sea, beach, bay, island, lake, forest and other advantages of resources, which are connected with each other, just like Xanadu.


  Every morning, the rising sun shines its light into the sea of the Darushan coast, where the breeze blows and the ripples leap, just like a beautiful landscape painting.

  (通讯员 段鹏 于浩 由利波)


