Wendeng: February 2nd , Thread a Dragon’s Tail, Tast Folk Customs

2023-02-24 16:08:02 来源: 大众网 作者:

  On February 2nd (Chinese Calendar), community volunteersin Dexian Community, Tianfu Street, Wendeng Districtof Weihai Cityorganized a traditional cultural experience activity of“threading adragon's tail”. The residents felt a strong festive atmosphere.

  February 2nd (Chinese Calendar) is a traditional Chinese festival, also known as “Dragon Head-raising Day”. On that day, people thread a dragon’s tail, eat fried beans, looking forward to good luck and full property in the New Year.

  When threadinga dragon’s tail, we wrap each middle section with colorful cloth, the brighter, the better. The top is decorated with copper coins and the bottom is tied with cloth strips, which is regarded as the tail of adragon. Hang the tail of adragon on the door to show that the green dragon is waiting to ascend to heaven. Pan a dragon’s tail in the cabinet or under the kangmat. It issaid to be able to attract auspicious blessing, not eaten by insects.

  (通讯员 于颖)


