
2024-05-20 09:05:31 来源: 大众网 作者: 姚潇雨

  大众网记者 王彬 宁晓洁 戚耀艺 威海报道


  Hello everyone, on May 20th this year, we welcome "Xiaoman" in the twenty-four solar terms.


  "Xiaoman,Xiaoman,grains are gradually full."While the hot summer has not yet arrived, the chill of spring has faded away. 元代的《月令七十二候集解》解释道:“四月中,小满者,物致于此小得盈满。”

  The "A Collective Interpretation of the Seventy-two Phenological terms of the Yuan Dynasty" explains: "In mid-April, Xiaoman, everything is filled to a small extent at this time."


  In Weihai, during the Xiaoman period, the leaves of the oak trees sway gracefully.

  柞蚕以柞树叶为食,吐出的丝线被誉为“北方蚕丝”。 Oak silkworms feed on oak leaves, and the silk they produce is renowned as "Northern Silkworm Silk."


  Today, we will explore the thousand-year-old oak silkworm silk culture of Weihai together.


  "The Chinese oak silkworm originates from Shandong, and within Shandong, it thrives in Jiaodong."

  胶东民间保留着柞蚕茧古法纩丝技艺,以柞蚕茧为原料,Jiaodong retains the ancient method of reeling silk from oak cocoons. Using oak cocoons as raw material,

  采用草木灰浓汁作为解舒助剂,they employ concentrated solution of grass and wood ash as a degumming agent and extract fine, long,


  and resilient silk threads by treading the silk-reeling wheel.


  This method of reeling silk may seem inefficient by modern standards, but it embodies a spirit of great tolerance over time—


  regardless of the variety or grade of the cocoon, its utility can be found.


  The silk produced in this way also known as "gray silk," is soft and elastic, resistant to acid and alkali, and can withstand high temperatures.


  This technique was included in the intangible cultural heritage list of Shandong Province in 2021.


  The "Ninghai Silk" woven from oak silkworm silk is also renowned both domestically and internationally.


  As Sun Tingquan said in "The Mountain Silkworms":"Without dyeing, it is dull yet dignified. Despite repeated washing, its color does not fade. When worn, it can last ten years without deterioration."


  Weavers use oak silkworm silk as their tool, weaving every detail of Weihai's scenery into a silk tapestry.


