二十四节气·威海 | 大暑至,万物荣华

2022-07-23 08:20:30 来源: 大众网 作者:

  大众网·海报新闻记者 王彬 威海报道

  The“Major Heat”represents the hottest days in the year.

  It’s a season with the highest temperature,where the crops grow fastest and the most frequent time for drought.

  After this day, firefly comes out, soil gets more and more humid and heavy thunderstorm comes from time to time.

  The days around the “Great Heat” witness the blossom season of lotuses.

  People should eat more seasonal vegetables including towel gourd,But plum soup tastes sweet and sour.

  Millenniums have passed by,our environment and lifestyles have experienced incredible transformations.

  But what has remained unchanged is the continuous turning of the solar terms and the determination of humankind throughout hundreds of thousands of years,to adapt and flourish in nature's challenges.


