八月下旬,我们将迎来处暑节气。处暑后,天气渐渐转凉进入秋季。在文登,秋天的景色美得像一幅画,辛勤的人们在田野间忙碌,为丰收努力劳作。处暑不仅标志着秋季的开始,更是一个与收获紧密相关的节气,在文登的果园内,不少果树挂满累累硕果,田间小麦、花生等作物也开始成熟,处处都是丰收的景象。夏天过后,文登也迎来了畅游郊野 迎秋赏景,登高望远的好时节,凉爽的初秋正在向人们靠近了。
In late August we will usher in the End of Heat at this time the weather is gradually getting cooler and the autumn scenery is also laid out,on the land of Wendeng hard working people are busy in the fields working hard for the harvest.End of Heat,not only marks the beginning of autumnbut also a solar term closely related to harvest in Wendang many fruit trees are covered with fruits in the field of wheat peanuts and other crops are also beginning to mature and there are harvest scenes everywhere after the summer.Wendeng also ushered in a good time to visit the countryside enjoy the autumn scenery and look up into the distance the cool early autumn is approaching people.
(通讯员 于颖)