大众网记者 王彬 宁晓洁 威海报道
你是否满怀期待 静候今冬那场不期而遇的初雪降临?
Are you eagerly awaiting the unexpected first snowfall of this winter?
去年11月12日 冬风轻拂威海绵延的海岸
On November 12th last year, the winter breeze gently brushed Weihai's extended coastline.
一场细腻静谧的初雪悄然而至 宛如天空对小雪节气最温柔的注解
A delicate and quiet first snow arrived, like the sky's gentlest interpretation of the Light Snow solar term.
而今 又是一年小雪时
Now, as another Light Snow period arrives.
The north wind becomes a frequent visitor in Weihai,
但大地仍积有热能 尚未全然寒冷下来
but the earth still retains heat, not yet completely cold.
对农人来说 雪似故人来会有好兆头
To farmers, snow is like an old friend bringing good omens.
“小雪不怕小 扫到田里就是宝”
"Don't mind if Light Snow is light, sweeping it into the fields turns it into treasure."
看到下雪农人想趁年底多做一些预备工作 以期对来年的丰收多一些把握
Seeing the snow, farmers aiming to do more preparatory work by year's end to ensure a better harvest next year.
靠海吃海的人们要晒鱼干 一串串海味挂在阳光底下
People by the sea dry fish, hanging strings of seafood under the sun,
drying them in the north wind for a bountiful end of the year.
晚来天欲雪 能饮一杯无?
As night falls and snow is about to descend, why not have a drink?
约上三两好友围炉夜话 最是温暖惬意
Gather a few friends, chat by the fire, and enjoy the warm and cozy atmosphere.